Local knowledge, experienced people.
We’re here to help! 604.534.7974


Kerry MacDonald

Vicki Chappell
Strata Property Manager

Kevin Paquette
Strata Property Manager

Leslie Adams
Strata Property Manager

Alfred Leung
Property Manager

Brenda Graf
Strata Property Manager

Carol Paquette




 As an original owner (since 1999) in Stave Lake Landing (LMS2910) I note that you have managed us longer than any other person and I have always been impressed with the breadth and depth of your knowledge of the ever changing Strata Act and the excellent guidance you have given us over the years. I find you are prompt to deal with issues and I believe your expertise has saved us tens of thousands of dollars.

You are level headed and appropriately cautious. You are a great asset to our building and I want to thank you for your dedication and professionalism.

You have given great value for the fees we pay and I hope the relationship lasts for many more years. I hear from many owners how pleased they are with the building and the quality of life here and believe you are an important part in making this possible and ongoing.

William and Samantha, Mission